Tag: Germany

  • German Forces Enter Paris

    German Forces Enter Paris

    June 14, 1940, German forces entered Paris.

  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire

    February 27, 1933, the Reichstag was set on fire.

  • Wilson and the Zimmerman Telegraph

    Wilson and the Zimmerman Telegraph

    February 24, 1917, President Wilson is informed about the Zimmerman Telegraph.

  • Hitler and Ludendroff Inssurection

    Hitler and Ludendroff Inssurection

    November 8, 1923, Adolf Hitler and General Erich Ludendorff attempted to start an insurrection.

  • 95 Thesis Posted

    95 Thesis Posted

    October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses.

  • Germany Reunified

    Germany Reunified

    October 3, 1990, Germany was officially reunified.

  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement

    September 30, 1938, the Munich Agreement was signed by Germany, Italy, France, and Britain.

  • Dunkirk Evacuation Begins

    Dunkirk Evacuation Begins

    May 26, 1940, the evacuation of Dunkirk begins.