Tag: science

  • Scopes Trial Ends

    Scopes Trial Ends

    July 21, 1925, the John Scopes came to an end.

  • Smallpox Declared Eradicated

    Smallpox Declared Eradicated

    May 8, 1980, WHO declared smallpox eradicated.

  • First Blood Bank in USA

    First Blood Bank in USA

    March 15, 1937. The first blood bank opened in the United States of America.

  • Sputnik 4

    Sputnik 4

    March 9, 1961, Sputnik 4 was launched.

  • The Human Genome Draft

    The Human Genome Draft

    February 15, 2001, the first draft of a human genome was published.

  • Columbia Disaster

    Columbia Disaster

    February 1, 2003, space shuttle Columbia disaster.

  • First X-Rays

    First X-Rays

    January 29, 1896, X-rays were used for the first time to treat breast cancer.

  • Diabetes


    January 11, 1922, insulin was used for the first time to treat a person with diabetes.

  • Meat Rain

    Meat Rain

    In 1872, meat started falling in the sky over Bath County, Kentucky.