Hungarian Revolution Begins

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956, also known as the Hungarian Uprising, was a nationwide revolt against the government of the Hungarian People’s Republic and its Soviet-imposed policies. The revolution began in Budapest on October 23, 1956, and quickly spread throughout the country. The Uprising was a significant event in the Cold War, as it marked the first major challenge to Soviet control in Eastern Europe.

The cause of the Uprising can be traced back to the repressive policies of the Hungarian government, which the Soviet Union imposed. The people of Hungary were frustrated with the government’s policies, which included censorship, political repression, and economic stagnation. The government was also accused of corruption and nepotism, which only added to the people’s frustration.

The revolution began with a peaceful demonstration in Budapest’s Kossuth Square, where students and workers gathered to demand political reform and the ouster of Soviet-backed leader Mátyás Rákosi. The demonstration quickly turned violent as protesters clashed with police and Soviet troops. The violence continued to escalate, with protesters setting fire to government buildings, including the headquarters of the secret police.

The Hungarian government attempted to suppress the Uprising by using force, including tanks and artillery, to attack protesters. However, the violence only fueled the people’s anger, and more and more Hungarians joined the fight against the government.

The revolution quickly spread throughout the country as other cities and towns joined the Uprising. The Hungarian government was unable to quell the rebellion, and eventually, Soviet troops were sent in to crush the Uprising. The Soviet Union, under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev, was determined to maintain control over Hungary, and the Soviet troops used overwhelming force to crush the rebellion.

The Hungarian Revolution came to an end on November 10, 1956, when Soviet troops finally took control of Budapest. The revolution resulted in the deaths of thousands of Hungarians, and many more were injured or imprisoned. The Soviet Union established a new government in Hungary, which was more loyal to Moscow.

Despite the failure of the Uprising, the Hungarian Revolution had a significant impact on the Cold War. The revolution demonstrated that the people of Eastern Europe were not willing to accept Soviet domination, and it inspired other anti-Soviet movements throughout the region. The Hungarian Revolution also had an impact on Soviet policy, as Khrushchev realized that Soviet control could not be maintained through force alone.


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